Co-creating Value with Stakeholders

To realize our Vision for Kyowa Kirin, we need to create both social and economic value. An essential part of this process is cooperating and collaborating with stakeholders in the value chain. We are committed to mutual understanding and deepening our relationship with stakeholders through various communication opportunities.

Our Key Stakeholders and Communication Opportunities

Stakeholders. People facing illness: Patients, caregivers, patient communities、Healthcare professionals. Employees: Employees. Business partners: Partners (suppliers, pharmaceutical wholesalers, etc.), Joint R&D partners. Capital providers: Shareholders / investors. Policymakers, industry associations: Industry associations, Central and local governments, Regulators / payers. Community, Environment: Communities, Future generations / environment

You can see this table by scrolling horizontally.

Stakeholders Main communication opportunities and frequency
Patients, caregivers, patient communities
Disease and health information websites
Medical information contact center
Patient advocacy activities
Healthcare professionals
Medical websites
Medical information contact center
Publication of medical findings in journals and at conferences
Communication via MR/MSL
Internal intranet
Whistleblowing system*1
Awards for employees
1 time
Employee engagement survey
1 time
Interviews with superiors and team members
Labor-management talks
(Suppliers, pharmaceutical wholesalers, etc.)
Supplier briefings
1 time
Sustainable procurement questionnaire
1 time
Collaboration on business transactions
Joint R&D partners
Partnerships in pharmaceutical research and development
Shareholders / investors
General meeting of shareholders
1 time
Financial results briefings
4 times
IR events for R&D and ESG topics
3 times
President IR interviews
25 times
IR interviews by senior managers
31 times
IR interviews by IR staff
132 times
Industry associations, central and local governments, regulators / payers
Advocacy and collaboration through industry bodies
Initiatives to support communities
Dialogue with local residents
Future generations / environment
Initiatives to support communities
Climate change response and other environmental measures
  • *1
    The Company has also established a whistleblower system for stakeholders as part of its grievance mechanism.

Initiatives and Industry Associations

Through our involvement in initiatives and industry associations, we understand the demands of our stakeholders and apply them to our group's business activities. In addition, through collaboration with initiatives and industry associations, we will address social issues that are difficult for individual companies to resolve on their own.


Participation as Kyowa Kirin
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  • World Anti Doping Agency (WADA)
  • Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI)
Participation as the Kirin Group
  • The United Nations Global Compact*
  • RE100
  • Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  • *
    The Kirin Group, to which our Group belongs, has announced participation in the United Nations Global Compact since September 2005. As a member of the Kirin Group, we observe the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which address human rights, labor, the environment, and anticorruption

Industry Associations

  • Japan Business Federation
  • FPMAJ (The Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of JAPAN)
  • JPMA (Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)
  • PMAT (The Pharmaceutical Manufactureres' Association of Tokyo)